
Healthy Families is a voluntary, free parent education and support program that offers home visiting to eligible first time parents (and some second time parents). Home visiting offers new parents support around pregnancy, child development, parenting, school readiness, health, and community resources. Our Healthy Families Illinois-Shawnee Health program serves families in Jackson, Perry, Franklin, and Williamson Counties. The program has been serving families in Southern Illinois since 1994 and is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services. We are nationally accredited by Healthy Families America.
We now have doula services available for pregnant families who enroll with us at or before 7 months of pregnancy. Families must be enrolled in our Healthy Families program in order to qualify for doula services.
A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous emotional, physical, and informational support to a mother before, during, and after childbirth. Our doula can help expectant families prepare for their labor and delivery experience, offer 非醫學 在分娩和產後提供支持,並提供產後教育和支持,包括產後6-8週的母乳喂養支持以及新生兒和產婦健康教育。
Our long term Family Support Specialists provide ongoing home visiting support to enrolled families from pregnancy through the child’s fifth birthday.
家庭不一定非要是Shawnee Health Service患者才能參加我們的“健康家庭計劃”,儘管我們當然會鼓勵合格的Shawnee Health Service患者了解更多信息,並了解“健康家庭”支持會否使他們受益!
Lanetta Davis, Program Coordinator at ldavis@shsdc.org, (618) 519-9466
一個程序 Shawnee Social Services.
“與Doula的對話”是每週一次的Facebook Live系列節目,由健康家庭-Shawnee Health的Doula&招生主管Rebecca Konecek領導。麗貝卡(Rebecca)是認證的Doula和認證的哺乳顧問。她與家庭一起通過教育和支持計劃他們理想的出生。