
Shawnee Health, Social Services

6355 Brandhorst Rd.


緊急情況, Shawnee Health, Social Services can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Main Phone: (618) 519-9200

Fax:  (618) 956-9179
電子郵件: sasinfo@shsdc.org

Shawnee Health, Social Services provides services throughout 18 counties of Illinois.

週一:8:00 是 - 5:00 下午
週二:8:00 是 - 5:00 下午
週三:8:00 是 - 5:00 下午 
週四:8:00 是 - 5:00 下午
星期五:8:00 是 - 5:00 下午


Shawnee Health, Social Services

致電給我們 1-618-985-8322
或免費 1-800-642-7773.

Since 1983 Shawnee Health, through the Shawnee Alliance for Older Adults program, has served persons over the age of sixty (60) and their caregivers.  Program goals include providing access to services which enable older adults to maximize their independence and remain in the community, advocating for the rights of older adults and their quality of life in the community and in nursing homes, and protecting older adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.



Shawnee Health, Social Services Care Coordinators help older adults and their caregivers connect to services available in the community which enable them to maintain their independence.  Care Coordinators make home visits to evaluate the older adults’ ability to function independently.  The evaluation is comprehensive and provides the Care Coordinators with information needed to advise the older adult and their caregiver on programs and services available to meet their needs in the following areas:

  • 功能
  • 身體健康
  • 行為健康
  • 藥物
  • 營養
  • 運輸
  • 家庭環境
  • 金融的
  • 合法的
  • 精神/社會

Shawnee Health, Social Services Care Coordinators work closely with older adults and their caregivers to provide information on services and programs in each of these areas, develop plans to assist with identified needs, coordinate access and referrals to services, and monitor to adjust plans when needed.  The Care Coordinator can provide access to in-home care programs, adult day services, home delivered meals, financial aid programs, transportation programs, home modification, assistive technology, medication assistance programs, Medicare Part D applications, and many other resources available to assist older adults.  Evaluations are performed in the privacy of the client’s home and there is no charge to the client or their caregiver.  Participation is voluntary and activities are at the direction of the client and their caregiver.  Care Coordinators may also assist older adults in transitioning back to their home from a nursing home or from a hospital.


Shawnee Health, Social Services Care Coordinators provide consultation services to persons over the age of 60 or disabled persons under the age of 60.  The goal is to provide information which enables participants and their caregivers to make informed decisions based on the options available in their community.  Options discussed include home and community based services like in-home care and adult day services, home delivered meals, and other services available in their community.  Other options include supportive living facilities, assisted living facilities, and nursing facilities.  There is no charge for this service.  All persons seeking admission into a nursing home in Illinois must first meet with a Choices for Care Coordinator to be informed of their options for care, and to confirm they meet the level of care needed for nursing home placement.


健康的想法(一世識別 d壓迫和 E強力 一個的活動 小號高級人員)是一項基於證據的社區交付計劃,將抑鬱症的意識和管理納入提供給老年人的現有病例管理服務中。








  • 身體或精神殘疾
  • 賬單未付
  • 參與者無法讀取或寫入
  • 參與者不知所措或緊張
  • 失去非正式支持或照顧者
  • 財務剝削或濫用
  • 嚴重疾病
  • 驅逐的威脅
  • 公用事業關閉
  • 志願者經過精心挑選,培訓並提供持續支持。
  • 志願者只能在一個指定帳戶中使用$3,500的限額工作。
  • 每月對志願者活動和賬戶進行監控。


Shawnee Health, Social Services Care Coordinators are all certified SHIP counselors available to asssit with Medicare (A, B, C, and D). They can also provide materials and information on Medicare Supplements and assist with Medicaid applications and questions.




The Shawnee Health, Social Services for Seniors Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is a 100% resident-centered, resident-directed advocacy program for all persons who reside in long term care facilities in 13 counties within the Shawnee Alliance service area.



  • 接收,調查和嘗試解決居民,家庭成員,社區成員的投訴和疑慮
  • 通過設施訪問,出席居民委員會會議,出席居民護理計劃會議以及其他活動,在長期護理設施中保持正常狀態
  • 確保所有居民都知道其作為長期護理機構居民的權利
  • 鼓勵和賦權居民表達他們的需求和希望
  • 為居民和代表居民進行個人和系統的倡導
  • 在長期護理機構中推廣最佳做法
  • 向家庭成員,設施工作人員和社區成員提供有關長期護理問題的教育

如果您想了解有關Shawnee Alliance長期護理申訴專員計劃的更多信息,或者想與申訴專員對話,請致電1-800-642-7773或618-985-8322與Shawnee Alliance聯繫。

Shawnee Health, Social Services Long Term Care Ombudsman Program recruits volunteers to advocate for residents. 義工 接受培訓,包括對長期護理機構的監督訪問,以及志願者協調員的持續支持。  義工 為長期護理居民的生活質量做出巨大貢獻。如果您有興趣成為受過訓練的人 志願監察員,請致電1-800-642-7773與Shawnee Alliance聯繫。



Shawnee Health, Social Services offers volunteer opportunities in the Ombudsman Program and Volunteer Money Managment Program, as well as our Advisory Council. In addition, Shawnee Alliance has internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in Care Coordination, Ombudsman, and Volunteer Money Management. Shawnee Alliance also has an internship for an associate-level secretarial/clerical student. 



Anna, Metropolis, and Murphysboro

All Shawnee Health clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.
