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Fourth Trimester Program

Helping parents and babies thrive during the first year.


For first time parents it can be easy to focus in on the pregnancy and birth, but it’s equally important to provide support to the family in the months following. With our Fourth Trimester program our goal is to provide complete and comprehensive care to mother and baby postpartum and throughout the first 12 weeks. Our program follows criteria set by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and works to provide support to moms and babies at set intervals postpartum.

Although many women and infants transition through this time after childbirth and through the postpartum period uneventfully, some women find it overwhelming, or develop significant health issues that may persist for weeks and months after giving birth.  This “fourth trimester” period can present considerable challenges for women, including lack of sleep, fatigue, pain, breastfeeding difficulties, lack of sexual desire, and urinary incontinence.

The postpartum visit has traditionally been a single visit, occurring 6 weeks after birth.  Optimal postpartum care spans over weeks and months and can promote overall health and well-being, and provide ongoing care, with services and support tailored to each woman’s individual needs.

To minimize stress on the new mothers that can come from traveling to frequent follow-up appointments, we offer home visits at 2 weeks postpartum, with weekly check-ins available upon necessity.

Throughout the first 12 weeks of motherhood we look to address aspects of care such as:

  • Mood and Emotional Well-Being
  • Infant Care and Developmental Support
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Sexuality, Contraception, and Birth Spacing
  • Sleep and Fatigue
  • Physical recovery from Birth
  • Health Maintenance

Visit our pediatric services page to learn more about how we can provide complete care for your child for years to come!

It is outside our regular operating hours and our clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.

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