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Slide Pediatrics The Best Care
for Your Child

Your Child’s Health Home

At Shawnee Health, we believe that our commitment to caring for the whole child and family sets us apart in providing the best possible care for your child.

We provide a medical home for your child.  This means that, in addition to primary care, we can provide dental care, nutrition services, counseling, and on-site behavioral health care.

Our Shawnee Health doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants are able to care for your newborn.  They are trained in Family Medicine which includes infant and child care.

Our comprehensive care for your child starts the minute they are born. Learn more about our Fourth Trimester Program and how we can help your family adapt to the changes of having a new baby in your home.

Shawnee Health, Carbondale

Anna Little, MD
Internal Medicine, Pediatrics

Rosanna Scott, CMA
Family Health Liaison



Family Health Liaison

Our Pediatric Care Team’s Family Health Liaison works with you to keep your child up to date with developmental milestones, immunizations, and the resources available. You can expect to work with your liaison on things like:

  • Completing developmental screenings
  • Preparing questions with them about areas of concern
  • Contacting specialty facilities to ensure appointment scheduling
  • Addressing barriers and providing resources to overcome them
  • Keeping you up-to-date on past due well child exams or vaccinations

It is outside our regular operating hours and our clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.

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