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Patient Rights & Responsibilities


What you need to know about your Rights as a Patient:

You have the right to:

  1.  Expect to be treated fairly, courteously, and with respect at all times.
  2.  Receive services without discrimination as to race, age, sex, creed, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, disability, HIV status, source of payment, or political beliefs.  (If you are under age 18, some services may require your parent’s permission.)
  3.  Receive care and services that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Services will be provided in the least restrictive environment available.
  4.  Know the name and professional background of anyone working with you.
  5.  Obtain from an appropriate Shawnee Health Service professional complete current information concerning diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and plan of care in terms you can be reasonably expected to understand.
  6.  Receive information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment from the Shawnee Health Service professional.
  7.  Refuse services or treatment, or any part of it, or to stop services or treatment when you wish and to be informed of the consequences resulting from your refusal.
  8.  Privacy during all interviews, examinations, treatment procedures, and counseling services, and confidentiality in all records and in all communication between you and the staff working with you, including HIV-AIDS status and testing.
  9.  Expect reasonable continuity of care when appropriate.
  10.  Review records pertaining to your care and have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when restricted by law.
  11.  Have an advance directive (such as a living will, health care proxy, or durable power of attorney for health care) concerning treatment or designating a surrogate decision maker with the expectation that Shawnee Health Service’s programs or Health Centers will honor the intent of that directive to the extent permitted by law and Shawnee Health Service policy.
  12.  Know the charges for all services.  Essential and emergency care will not be denied due to inability to pay.  Ability to pay, if required, is based on income and family size.
  13.  Obtain information regarding any business and financial relationship of Shawnee Health Service to other healthcare and educational institutions as far as care is concerned.
  14.  Appeal Shawnee Health Service’s policies or decisions regarding your care by submitting a written appeal to the Risk Manager at Shawnee Health Service, PO Box 577, Carterville IL 62918-1923.

What you need to know about your Responsibilities as a Patient:


  1.  You have a responsibility to inform the appropriate Shawnee Health Service program or Health Center if you are unable to keep an appointment.
  2.  You have a responsibility to provide to the best of your knowledge, accurate information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other pertinent matters relating to the care plan.
  3.  You have a responsibility to let us know if you feel you are treated unfairly.
  4.  You have a responsibility to ask questions until you clearly comprehend the proposed course of action and what is expected of you.
  5.  You have a responsibility to comply with the plan of care recommended by the health care professional.
  6.  You have a responsibility to understand that refusal of treatment or failure to follow the Shawnee Health Service professional’s instructions could result in undesirable outcomes, for which the patient and/or family accept responsibility.
  7.  You have a responsibility to take an active role in your own health care.
  8.  You have a responsibility to maintain a current account if services require payment.  Payment is due at time of service or within 30 days from date of service.  Payment plans and a discount plan are available for eligible patients.
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