and emotional wellbeing.
Shawnee Health provides integrated primary medical and behavioral health care. Our mission is to treat our patients with the highest level of expert care. We have a trained team of behavioral health clinicians to support your mental health and emotional wellbeing.
With guidance from your primary care clinician, the proper treatment paths will be discussed. If appropriate, he or she will introduce you to a behavioral health care team member to determine the best course to follow to address your mental and behavioral health concerns.
Your care team member(s) will provide you with the tools to cope with intense emotional experiences, stressful situations, and interpersonal problems, all in a safe and comfortable environment
Services provided:
- Evaluación y evaluación de la salud mental y el uso de sustancias
- Tratamiento de problemas de salud mental y uso de sustancias (ver Tratamiento de adicciones)
- Manejo de medicación
- Asesoramiento in situ
Our counseling services assists with:
- Depresion y ansiedad
- Preocupaciones por el duelo y las relaciones
- Consumo de alcohol y drogas, incluidos opioides y heroína
- Evaluación y tratamiento del TDAH
- Desorden bipolar
- Transiciones difíciles de la vida
- Trastorno de estrés postraumático
- Problemas de salud relacionados con la dieta, el ejercicio, el tabaquismo, etc.