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Video Visits

Video Visits - Remote Health Care

Shawnee Health Service is now offering Video Visits, through Zoom (a free app), for patient appointments with our providers.
Call (618) 519-9200 to get started.

To prepare for your remote visit you will need:

  • internet access
  • a reliable, easy to access email account
  • Zoom access through an app on your smart phone (recommended) or other mobile device, or through a browser like Chrome on your computer
  • internet camera (usually integrated in your smart phone or other device, please ensure that your camera is on and enabled)
  • internet audio/microphone (usually integrated in your smart phone or other device)
    OR have your phone nearby to dial in to the visit


Items that would be handy to have:

  • thermometer
  • scale for checking your weight
  • a way to check your blood pressure (many fitness trackers can do this)
Downloading Zoom to your mobile device:
  • For Apple/iPhone products the App Store is a blue icon with popsicle sticks in the shape of the letter “A”.
    Apple Store Icon
  • For Android devices the Google Play app is blue, red, green and orange and looks like the “play” button of a radio, stereo, DVD player, etc.
    Google Play Icon
  • Enter zoom into the search box and download the free app.
  • The Zoom app icon should look like this:
    Zoom App Icon
Start your appointment:
  • Open the email from us inviting you to the “meeting”:
    Sample email
    Please note the Meeting ID and Password in the email sent to you.
  • Click on the link.
  • Zoom will open and on-screen instructions will guide you through starting your video and audio to connect with your provider.

It is outside our regular operating hours and our clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.

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