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May is Mental Health Month

May 3, 2018

May is Mental Health Month.

When you or someone you love is dealing with a mental health concern, sometimes it’s a lot to handle. It’s important to remember that mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being, and mental illnesses are common and treatable.


So much of what we do physically impacts us mentally. That is why this year’s theme for May is Mental Health Month – Fitness #4Mind4Body – is a call to pay attention to both your physical health and your mental health, which can help achieve overall wellness and set you on a path to recovery. May is Mental Health Month was started 69 years ago by Mental Health America to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of good mental health for everyone.


This May is Mental Health Month, we are focused  how a healthy lifestyle may help prevent the onset or worsening of mental health conditions, as well as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other chronic health problems. It can also help people recover from these conditions. Eating healthy foods, managing stress, exercising, and getting enough sleep can go a long way in making you both physically and mentally healthy.


As part of our commitment to being “Your Health Home,” Shawnee Health Care is committed to taking care of the whole patient. This means that our team understands the complex relationship between emotional illness and other medical illnesses. When we talk about your health, we do not just focus on heart health, liver health, or brain health; when we talk about your health, we talk focus on your whole health.


MHA has developed a series of fact sheets (available at on the importance of exercise, diet and nutrition, gut health, sleep, and stress management. Also new this year is the #4Mind4Body Challenge, where we call on everyone to join us in completing a small task each day during the month of May – and tell us about it on social media using #4Mind4Body. Learn more here:


For more information on May is Mental Health Month, visit Mental Health America’s website at

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