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Shawnee Health Service Wants to Help You Get Covered!

October 13, 2017

Open Enrollment is the period when people can enroll in a health insurance plan. This year, the Open Enrollment Period for Medicare runs from October 15, 2017 to December 7, 2017. The Open Enrollment Period for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace for 2018 runs from November 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017.


When you decide how to get your Medicare coverage, you might choose a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) and/or Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D). There are specific times when you can sign up for these plans, or make changes to coverage you already have. You don’t need to sign up for Medicare each year. However, each year you’ll have a chance to review your coverage and change plans.


If you don’t have health insurance through a job, Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or another source that provides qualifying health coverage, the Marketplace can help you get covered. Starting November 1, you can log in to, fill out an application, and enroll in a 2018 Marketplace health plan.

Shawnee Health Service wants to help you get covered!


Our Navigators can help you go through the online system as well as answer questions you might have about the Marketplace.  While online you will be able to compare insurance options and find out if you might be eligible, based on your income, for financial assistance to lower your costs.


Navigators can help you understand things like Essential Health Benefits and how these will help improve your health.  Navigators are available during clinic hours and special event times.  You do not need to be a patient of Shawnee Health Service to receive assistance at no cost!


For assistance, please call: (844) 331-3069.

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